
Ania Suszyńska is a senior from Gdynia who inspires her peers with her passion for swimming, physical activity, and love for water. For her grandchildren, she is the "golden grandma" to be admired for her achievements and medals in winter swimming — swimming in water temperatures below 5 degrees Celsius.

Why is it worth learning to swim and improving this skill? Because it allows you to have amazing adventures and meet incredible people! Filip Wypych (swimmer, Olympian) and Lisa Kmin, a Feel The Water trainee, share their insights on the importance of swimming competitions in pools and open water.

When it comes to such a demanding sport as triathlon, supporting children in their passion is no small challenge... But when the whole family enjoys the sport together, it’s so much more fun!

Body Positivity Is for Everyone, Regardless of Gender or Age. The constant pressure for perfection often leads us to make choices that harm both our body and mind. We talk to Agata Litwińska—an instructor, enthusiast, and teacher of various forms of movement—about how to embrace being a healthy version of yourself.

Bárbara Hernández – a highly accomplished long-distance swimmer from Chile, holder of world records and Guinness World Records. Long distances and low water temperatures are the conditions where the "Ice Mermaid" feels most at home.